Friday, November 12, 2010

What are you passionate about??

The last two weeks have been hard. If it wasn't for the new computer, I probably would have found good reason to stay longer.

Upon arriving home I learn that the Kiwanis grant I had been working on needed to be sent from a Kiwanian Club, which I knew. I didn't realize though that they met on Mondays and therefore I had to get the grant to them in Northern Michigan by noon on Monday so they could look it over. I realized this on Thursday and needed to allow mail time. Thursday and Friday turned into very frantic days BUT they received it in time for their meeting on Monday, which was a HUGE relief!

The grant was interesting. The actual grant wasn't all that difficult it was more the fact that the information I needed wasn't already put together in some way. The organizational side of me wants to be able to open a pretty little file that is nicely labeled and find all my pretty information to answer my questions. You would be surprised to know that file didn't exist. So even though I'm supposed to be working on growing TDP by getting the word out and speaking with pastors all I want to do is set up a process and a place for everything.

I was also able to order Quickbooks & Microsoft from techsoup and I have spent much of this week trying to get everything downloaded. The products from Microsoft face value were $2,135 and I paid $89!!! Amazing! If you work with a non-profit you should look into it.

I'm also bummed because fundraising for my trip in December isn't going well. I was hoping to go from the 2nd week in December till the 4th week in January. My goal is $3,000 and I'm around $700. The good news is this isn't a now or never kinda deal, I'll just go when I have the money raised. However, I was hoping to be there for Christmas. Anyone have any tips on raising support?

I'm not sure if it comes across in this post, but the last two week have been really hard. I miss Chicago. I miss my friends. I miss Harvest (my old church). I want to go to Mozambique. I want TDP to succeed. I want others to see what we are doing and be compelled to help. I think my dad said to me this week that I get teared up cause I'm passionate about TDP. If that is the case as many of you know I have been a very passionate girl over the last year!!! aaahhhh

I am passionate and that's why I've picked up and moved to Royal Oak and why I'm making less than minimum wage for the hours I'm working, but passion doesn't make it easy.

I was able to set up online giving for myself this week, which is exciting! So if you have interest in supporting me financially you can click to make a donation:

Wow that is long!

If you wish to support me through prayer my requests this week are:
- Vision & Planning for how to direct/lead TDP
- New group of friend & support circle
- Financial Support
- Volunteers
Oh and I created page on facebook for my trip as well, please join it =)!/pages/Dreaming-of-Mozambique-Amanda-Nichols/165757266780231

As always,
Thanks for reading,

Take me back to Chicago...

I started this a few weeks ago, but my computer crashed and I forgot to send it... oops!

Last week (Oct 25 - 31) I headed down to Chicago for the Campus Life Banquet. It was on Monday night and it was amazing! It was so weird though... I've only been gone two months but there were volunteers and students I didn't know. I obviously didn't expect it to be the same, but still. It was amazing to just sit back and watch, knowing full well how much work goes into such a night. Just how important volunteers are. I so appreciate the work that the Darrah's and some of the other families who were instrumental in laying the foundation at Campus Life in Downers Grove.

It probably stood out to me so much because that is the point I am at with The Dream Project... how do I grow this organization. Not just increase giving or the number of people, but how do I help lay a firm foundation for TDP to grow from? It's a daunting task. One thing going back to CL made me feel is very alone at TDP... I really need a Cathy Darrah... hahah, seriously though. How do I find people who are passionate about our cause and willing to give up parts of their week because they feel so passionate about our ministry?

All in all I had an amazing week, I think I met up with someone for just about every meal... well at least lunch and dinner. I went to my old small group and to Connect. I felt like I ran around non-stop, but yet I still didn't see everyone.

I could sit and describe every moment to you, but that's not important. What was so great about the week was just being surrounded by so many people that I know and love.

While there I also began to really push forward with the Kiwanis International grant. Trying to answer the questions to the best of my abilities. Being so detailed oriented, I'm enjoying working on this but I'm also having to dig to find answers to some of the questions.

Prayer Requests:
- Volunteers (Quickbooks & Website)
- Kiwanis Grant Application
- Laying a strong foundation at The Dream Project
- Personal Financial Support

Thanks as always for reading!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Communication: There is no such thing as a stupid question!

Ugh. Two weeks ago was interesting, probably not the correct word but it will have to do. I had my second Volunteer meeting scheduled for Thursday night even thought I hadn't gotten much response from emails I was still praying that a few people would show up.

Ann. That's who showed up, just Ann. Oddly enough I wasn't crushed or anything along those lines. I mean we still got a lot done. I'm not sure what TDP used to look like, I only know what it looks like now. When Ann showed up she was shocked that it was just the two of us.

Do you volunteer somewhere? What keeps you going back?

For those of you who don't know TDP went through some major changes in March. From what I have heard and what I have read around the office I can tell that things were assumed and that people didn't confront each other or communicate well. Aaah communication, it makes the world go round.

Isn't it interesting when you have a conversation with someone but you both walk away thinking different things? I feel like I ask so many questions already, but I was reminded that Sunday just how important it is to ask the right questions.

One thing I have been excited about since day one is getting a volunteer desk set up and running. Complete with pens, printer, sorting trays, and of course the ever so important computer. TDP has a laptop, but it's slow and you have to pull on the power cord just right because something is apparently loose in the machine. There was rumor of another laptop this summer, but it was never found. Just before Julie left she mentioned a desktop of hers that we could use at the office. Arrangements were made for me to get the desktop after she had left the country. So last Sunday I drove to pick it up. Just before I left I realized that I didn't really ask to much about the machine, but I think it won't be that old. Boy was I wrong. I peek in the box and one glance was all it took. I saw teal. Remember those big colorful Mac's from back in the day? Yep that's what I got.

Lesson learned (I hope). Communication is key. I asked for a computer, and that is what I got. I didn't specify that it needed to be able to run new software. I didn't even ask if it was a PC or a Mac! This is such a little thing, but I look back and see God's grace. What a blessing that I learned this lesson... or at least started learning it over something so small.

Even better than that, I shared the situation with Dad and Linnea Sunday at dinner. Well by Monday afternoon The Dream Project had received a $400 grant from the Royal Oak Mission Fund to purchase a machine. My dad found a refurbished Dell tower at Micro Center for $179! With the rest of the money I was able to buy a 20” monitor, wireless usb, surge protector/battery backup, another surge protector (for my desk), speakers, and 2 2G thumb drives! Oh and I still have $25 left over for software! God really does provide... now if only he would provide me the knowledge to set up the wireless usb!

Prayer Request:
- Volunteers would invest in The Dream Project (especially people for: Website Maintenance and Quickbooks Data Entry)
- That I would learn from my communication flop and help build good communication amongst the organization.
- PRAISE GOD! For our 'new' computer!

As always thanks for reading. I can't express how much your support means to me!