Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And We're Off!!

Tonight at 9:45pm, Nunu and I board a plane to Johannesburg, South Africa! Our plans have changed a bit (what's new?!)... We were both supposed to travel to Maputo, the capital city, to do some paperwork. But in the end we are able to do things from Pemba, so Nunu will travel to Maputo alone to see family and I will take a plane from Jo-burg up to Pemba... with ALL of our luggage!

All in all I'm doing fairly well. I just have had so much to do over the last four weeks... it's been a little crazy!

Please be praying for our luggage... while it's cheaper for me to fly with all of it rather than having to pay for a hotel room in Maputo... I'd still really like to save that money.

Our bags are a little full, so we are trying to pull things out!
I'd love to write more, but we've still got some things to do. I'll do my best to start blogging in the next week or two!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's just Stuff.

Reality is slowly setting in. I’m moving to Mozambique. Back and fourth is easy, moving is harder. I’ve always gone with a return date in sight about 2 months down the road. This time around, I’m not sure when I’ll be back to the states.

I’ve spent the last week going through all of my stuff, deciding what to keep and what to put in a garage sale. I did this before about 3 years ago and it was much easier. The last time around, I kept the stuff that I needed or that I just couldn’t bring myself to get rid of.

This time it’s much harder. I found a box of things that I collected from childhood vacations, including a Disney Dollar (from probably 1992) wrapped up in 3 plastic Disney bags. A collection of newspaper clipping of the Chicago Bulls from the Jordan era (I had them stuck to my wall when I lived in Atlanta). These things weren’t the hardest to get rid of.

I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many different countries and I’ve always loved buying things to remind me of the trip, or that represent the country. When I had an apartment of my own, I had a display area of all of my treasures. Boomerangs from Australia, a candle from Cozumel, framed pictures from Italy, a world map… as my collection grew, I started thinking that one day I would have a guest room or office in my house dedicated to the places I’ve been.

But what am I going to do with those things in Mozambique? Am I really going to take up precious room in my suitcase or am I going to keep them in a box thinking that maybe one day I’ll live in the states again. I put them in the garage sale pile.

A day later they came out of the pile. It’s hard.

That night our dog chewed up this little Italian wooden turtle candle holder. She turned it into wood chips, and I wasn’t even that sad about it. I took it as God’s little way of reminding me just how earthly all this stuff is and it’s not quite as important as I think it is.

I’m also getting ready to sell my car. Even though that will probably be hard, the reality is that I don’t really need it anymore =(

Matthew 6:19-21
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Prayer Requests:
- Sanity, as I try to do a lot in the next few weeks.
- The ability to let go of things.
- Safe travel. Nunu and I are leaving for Missouri tomorrow.
- For Nunu that he would enjoy his last few weeks in the states. Some days he is homesick and that makes it hard for both of us.
- Visa, I was told I could get a 6 month visa being married to a Mozambican and then when I get to Moz, I can apply for a year. I plan to send my 6 month application off this week.