Friday, May 17, 2013

Up Coming Needs!

If you've read this months newsletter (May Newsletter), then it's no surprise to you that Nunu and I are coming to the States in June! We will be coming back for about 6 months to get the rest of our funds raised.

Our biggest need in fundraising (besides the funds!!) is transportation. If you have a reliable vehicle that you would be willing or able to lend us for a few weeks or a few months, it would be really helpful. Or if you have airline miles that we could use to rent a car, that would also be a big blessing!

-       I would guess it’s obvious, but our greatest need is monthly financial support. Anything from $10 per month and up can be set up to auto with-drawl from your checking account. ( click here to sign up online)
-       We are in need of transportation. If you have an extra car you could loan us for a few week or a few months, that would be a HUGE help.
-       We could use a contact person. Someone who would be willing to contact churches to see if we there is an opportunity for us to share.
-       We need opportunities to share about our ministry. Small groups, Church Events (concerts, crafts show, Mom’s Groups, bake sales, anything!), Friends or Family.
-       We will need places to stay. Do you have a spare bedroom? If you are going out of town, would you consider letting Nunu and I housesit? Do you know of a place that houses Missionaries? Any ideas, we’d love to hear them!

If you have any ideas or are interesting in helping us in any way, please e-mail me ( If not be praying for us that we will trust the Lord to provide for our needs and that our time in the States will be fruitful.

I will try to post our travel plans, they may change some, but I'll try to keep things updated! If we traveling through your State or town, let us know! We'd love to sit down and share more with you or your small group about our ministry!

Saturday June 8th - ARRIVE at Chicago O'hare!
June 11/12th - June 17th - Royal Oak, Michigan 
July 10th - July 17th - Chicago, Illinois
August 5th - 16th - Phoenix, Arizona 
August 19th - 23rd - Boyne Falls, Michigan (Adult Jamboree at Camp Lake Louise)

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