Monday, January 16, 2012

210 Pounds later!

I love packing for trips like this. I think I like the challenge of getting as much (both weight and size) in the suitcases I’m allowed. I tried to document the process a bit to share but I started packing on January 1st and was hoping to be done by the 8th but I ended up packing till the morning I left.

See below for a list of what is in the bag I'm packing.

My flight was through South African Airlines and they allow two 50 pound checked bags and two carry-on bags that are supposed to be under 18 pounds. I ended up getting so many donations for Christmas that I decided to take a third 50-pound bag! It allowed me SO much more room for things =)

When I arrived at the airport my 3 big bags were about eight pounds over, so I fit what I could in my carry-on bags (which each probably weighed about 28-pounds). I had to take out a bunch of Matchbox cars, 2 soccer balls and some cups… they will make it over eventually.

All together I think I had around 210 pounds of luggage! 

Knowing that every pound and inch counts… I decided to dress in a few layers =) Wearing my jeans under my skirt meant that I didn’t have to pack my jeans or my belt. And carrying my pillow meant I could stick my towel (which I like to use as a blanket on flights) in there.

At the airport ready to go though security.

One of my bags didn’t arrive in Johannesburg =( But I was told yesterday that they found it and will forward it on to the Maputo airport for me to pick up. It was actually nice not having to drag that bag to the airport… so maybe having a lost bag for a few days isn’t such a bad thing! 

Here is what I got in one 50 pound bag (the one that is "lost"):
18 – Swim Trunks
9 – Water Bottles
2 – Splash Balls
39 – Matchbox Cars
1 – Flashlight
2 – AA Batteries
4 – Watches
5 – Headlamps
12 – AAA Batteries
3 – MP3 Players
12 – Boys Underwear
1 – Tripod
5 – Boxes of 8 Crayons
4 – Boxes of 24 Crayons
2 – Remote Controlled Helicopters
2 – Remote Controlled Cars
2 – Puzzles
48 – Glow Bracelets
2 – Soccer Balls
1 – Air Pump
1 – Laptop Bag
2 – Rubbermaid Boxes
2 – Long Skirts
1 - Dress
1- Swiss Army Knife
1 – Sun Block SPF 15
1 – Hand Sanitizer
1 – Shampoo
1 - Conditioner
1 – Child Cough Syrup
1 – Adult Cough Syrup
100 – Band Aids
20 – Gauze Pads
1 – Bottle of Liquid Band Aid
1 – Tube Canker Sore Cream
1 – Bottle of Pepto Bismal Tablets
1 – Bottle of Benedryl
1 – Pack Imodium AD
1 – Pack of Day Quill
1 – Bottle 500 Tylonel
9 – Travel Pack of Kleneex
1 – Pair of Scrub Pants
2 – Bags of Suckers
1 – Alarm Clock/Flashlight
1 – Barbie Doll
1 – Hair Clipper Set

I've tried to take pictures of most of the things I packed. 

Things to Pack: Pic 1 of 4
Things to Pack: Pic 2 of 4
Things to Pack: Pic 3 of 4
Things to Pack: Pic 4 of 4
My garbage pile... After I flattened and recycled the big boxes it still filled up 3 garbage bags!

Prayer Request:
- Health, mainly that I would stay healthy and get over my jet lag.
- Traveling & Safety... That my guard would be up. 
- That my bag would arrive in Maputo in one piece =)

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