Thursday, January 5, 2012

I leave in ONE week!

I don’t even know what to write today, I have so many thoughts in my head…

I leave one week from today! While I am thrilled beyond belief, I have so much to do. Oh and there is that little fact that I don’t have my visa yet and I had to send my passport along with my application in the mail. I sent both off on December 19th to the Embassy in Washington, with the assurance that it takes 3 days to process. I figured a few days in the mail there a few days on the way back, no big deal.

Well I called yesterday, because I was surprised that I didn’t have it back yet and they said it arrived on Tuesday! I’m not sure if their office was closed between Christmas and New Years or what, but they told me it would be in the mail no later than today.

I’m a worrier. So this isn’t easy for me. There are few things that could keep me from going… one of them would be not having a passport. 

I find comfort that God is in control, that He has called me to Mozambique, and that things will work out according to His will. I keep my Bible open to Matthew 6 and when I feel the worry creeping up on me I read part or all of verses 25-34.

These verses talk about how God provides for the birds and lilies, yet we are so much more important to God than these things, so of course God will provide for us… He knows what we need.  Verses 33 and 34 say, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

All this being said, I’m finding peace knowing that God is in control and that at least one of us knows the difference between a need and a want.

Support Update:
I’ve raised 82% of the funds needed for my trip in January and 24% of my goal for monthly support for long-term ministry.

Prayer Requests and such:
- Praise God! I’ve been so overwhelmed with the way people have responded to the kids Christmas needs. I’ve surpassed my goal of raising money for shoes and presents! Because of this generosity we will also have some gifts for Children’s Day in June!
- That my passport & visa would arrive before Wednesday January 11th.
- That I would continue to find peace knowing that God will provide what I need, and understanding that what I need isn’t always what I want.
- Harvey & Carole Curley are hosting a Spaghetti Fundraiser for me on Monday January 9th at Genesis (309 N. Main Street in Royal Oak, MI). Pray for a good turn out.
- That God would continue to give me peace and direction about the role I’m in. That He would give me more ideas than I know what to do with and the resources to see them through!

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