Friday, February 24, 2012

Peace Out Maputo!

My brain is officially overloaded on Ponta. So I’ll give you the short version.

Filipe canceled on our Sunday meeting. Then said he could come Monday. We met with him on Monday and once again plans changed. He now thinks we should build a block house (to add value to the land). He walked us through a cost break down of a stick house (as they should be cheaper) and a block house. When we were done I noticed that the cost were very similar (around 38,000 MZN) at which point he added 12,000 MZN to the block house for 2 doors.

Once again this is why it’s so hard. 12,000 MZN for 2 doors, that’s almost $250 USD. With my limited knowledge of things, this sounds crazy to me the second he says it. But we’ve kept him much longer than we planned, so I leave it alone for now.

But it makes my mind wander. What is he trying to do? Is he trying to pad things and make a few bucks? Does he really think this is what stuff cost? AAAHHHH

Where is Home Depot when I need it?!

The good news is, that Nunu and I have done all that we can here in Maputo. If we decide to go ahead with Felipe we can make arrangements over the phone. But first I plan to call a local builder (he is from South Africa, but builds vacation homes in Ponta) who has offered to donate a well and see if he can donate materials or transportation instead.

With this being said, Nunu and I are off to the bus to get our new tickets for Wednesday! Wooot Hooot!!!

I’m completely exhausted. I feel like everyday I think to myself, “I don’t think I could possibly walk any further than I did today” but then the next day I do.

Yesterday, I went to go to the ATM to get money to pay for my bus ticket. I usually withdrawal the maximum amount when I go, that way I avoid the fees of multiple transactions. I usually go to Standard bank, because they allow me to withdraw 9000 MZN ($326 USD). After walking for about 20 minutes to find a bank, I decide to try another bank. I type in that I want 9000 and it starts to process and then it tells me that my amount exceeds the maximum daily withdrawal amount. I decide I would rather keep walking in search of a Standard bank, so I cancel out the transaction.

We walk another 20 minutes and I make the withdrawal, but when I get my receipt I notice that my remaining balance is lower than I had expected. A few hours later when I get home, I get online to look at what my account balance is and discover that my withdrawal has posted twice.

I email my bank and they respond saying that the problem should correct itself over night and what I’m looking at aren’t hard post. Today, I wake bright and early to check my account. The amount is still posting, not only is it posting but it’s twice of all the fees… so I’m out about $350… awesome.

I call the bank, it’s going to take 10 days to process my request. The thing that stinks is that I don’t actually have anything to prove that I didn’t receive the cash other than the fact that the bank doesn’t actually allow a withdrawal of this amount.

I’m not immediately in need of this money, but I do need it before I come home. So it’s just one more thing that I add to my list of things to do… sigh.

The stress of the money doesn’t last long… my bus leaves for Pemba at 5:00am tomorrow!! I can’t even tell you how excited I am to finally see my boys!!!

At noon, I still hadn’t packed. We are each allowed 10 kg on the bus, so the plan is to fill Nunu and my backpacks with all valuable heavy items. I thought that we needed to go to the bus at about 9:30pm to get our luggage weighed. Around 2:30, I find out that we need to leave for the bus at 4:30!

When we spoke to the man at the bus he said they weigh luggage from 7:00 – 5:00… since our bus leaves at 5am, I just figured that was the 5 he was referring to… nope 5pm! I pull all of my bags out of my room and frantically start reorganizing. I still needed to send emails, use the internet, charge some electronics and pack in an organized manor. I guess I’ll just have to settle for getting all of my things in a bag and taking a quick shower.

So here I go off to the bus, 12 hours before it leaves… a new adventure. I couldn’t be more excited!

Prayer Request:
- Since there is a delay in my blog, just wanted you to know I made it to Pemba safe =)
- Please be praying that the bank put my money back in my account.
- The I would make the most of my time with the boys!
- As always health... my throat was doing some funny things yesterday, but today it's feeling better. 

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